Let Go and Hold On
Surely he will never be shaken; The righteous will be in everlasting remembrance. He will not be afraid of evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD. His heart is established; He will not be afraid, Until he sees his desire upon his enemies. Psalms 112:6 - 8
We’ve all faced major problems -- the kind that make you lose sleep and cry bitter tears, struggling through that awful holding period where there’s no answer to our prayers and there’s nothing left to do but wait. We’ve tried everything on our own, reasoned through all the possible scenarios and solutions to get us out of the situation, but we’ve only succeeded in making it worse.
The art of problem solving is a great skill to master. Having the ability to get to the heart of a matter and find a workable solution is an admirable trait. However, when it comes to solving spiritual problems and finding the strength to go through trials, its best to simply let go and hold on.
How many times have we made a colossal mess trying to manipulate things to go our way – trying to find the money to get us out of the financial bind, attempting to make that person love us by doing everything they want, trying to heal our own hurts. No matter what we do, we can never succeed in staying within God’s will without divine intervention.
Children of the King must learn to let go of their own faulty reasoning and solutions to solve their problems. We only get into trouble when we take matters into our own hands. Consequently, we must also hold on to the Lord for dear life and with all the faith we possess. There is no way to succeed in this life without trusting Him. We can never give up and we can never fear that the Lord has left us alone to fight our battles. The victory is already ours.