Reach Out
But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself…I am the LORD your God. Leviticus 19:34
“I still have so many gifts to buy!” Sharon sat at the table listening to her coworkers swap Christmas shopping stories. One gentleman described how he had searched all over the mall for the perfect gift for his wife. Another women smiled with motherly pride as she told how her children left little pictures around the house as hints of the gifts they wanted. When it was Sharon’s turn to share her story, she simply stated that she had very little gifts to buy this year, when in truth Sharon felt the emptiness inside her grow a larger. She was alone this Christmas, having been recently divorced with no children, and her family far away.
For many, the Holidays can be a very lonely time of year. When everyone else is bustling about with someplace to go and something to do, it can leave one feeling detached and very alone. We can feel like spectators with no real connection to the spirit of the season. Recognizing that these are normal feelings and finding ways to reaffirm your value through the eyes of Christ is the key to getting out of the holiday doldrums.
It may seem easy to say and harder to do, but the responsibility for changing our circumstances lies within us. If we want to feel involved, we must get involved. The fastest way out of despondency is to do something for somebody else. Find a charity that needs assistance or volunteer your time at a local charity. Mentor someone virtually. Remember, that Jesus has promised that we are never alone. He can take away your lonely feelings. Take it to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to reveal ways that you can reach out to those who need it. Most importantly, realize that this is only a circumstance and not the determiner of your whole life. Start now to take steps to make next Christmas even better. For those of us who are blessed to have our loved ones near us this season, reach out to someone who is alone and invite him or her to share the love that we have.